**Denean-Turning Point**

2012. 11. 10. 17:59″``°☆외국음악방/◈그리운POP





                      Turning Point      / Denean


                      Whispering on the night wind Hear the cry on man
                      Searching for a meaning to his life

                      In his private silence Alone in his darkness
                      His heart is finally open to the light

                      O heyo, O heyo...He glimpses the red road
                      O heyo, O heyo...Will he follow the red road?

                      Torn between the truth He feels deep in his heart
                      And all the worldly tempters in their pride

                      They battle for possession...of his very soul
                      While claiming to be working for what's right

                      In the social order That dominates the land
                      Has the seed of truth been cast aside?

                      Lakota:Maka akan ninunk'unpi

                      ki wowicake ungnunipi huwo?
                      (As we live upon the earth,have we lost the truth?)

                      Thus it may appear so Convincing by demand
                      But crouched within the darkness... is the light

                      O heyo, O heyo...Will he follow the red road?
                      O heyo, O heyo...will he follow the red road?

