**━╋An Irish Blessing(그를 지켜주옵소서)╋━**

2015. 6. 21. 11:53″``°☆연주곡감상/◈종교와명상




    ━╋An Irish Blessing╋━

                                                  ╋Phil Coulter Roma Downey


                                I pray you'll be our eyes,
                                and watch us where we go.
                                And help us to be wise
                                in times when we don't know
                                Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way  

                                Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
                                To a place where we'll be safe 
                                I pray we'll find your light

                                and hold it in our hearts.
                                When stars go out each night,
                                The light you have

                                I pray we'll find your light
                                will be in the heart
                                and hold it in our hearts.

                                to remember us that
                                When stars go out each night,
                                you are eternal star

                                Let this be our prayer
                                when shadows fill our day
                                How much faith there's

                                Let this be our prayer
                                in my prayer
                                when shadows fill our day Lead us to a place,
                                guide us with your grace

                                Give us faith so we'll be safe
                                We dream a world without violence
                                a world of justice and faith 

                                Give us faith so we'll be safe
                                We dream a world without violence
                                a world of justice and faith. 

                                Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours
                                Symbol of peace, of fraternity
                                We ask that life be kind 

                                and watch us from above
                                We hope each soul will find
                                another soul to love
                                The force his gives us 

                                We ask that life be kind
                                is wish that
                                and watch us from above 

                                everyone finds love
                                We hope each soul will find around
                                and inside another soul to love
                                Let this be our prayer 

                                Let this be our prayer,
                                just like every child Need to find a place,
                                guide us with your grace
                                Give us faith so we'll be safe
                                Need to find a place, guide us with your grace 

                                Give us faith so we'll be safe?
                                It's the faith you light in us
                                I feel it will save us




                       ◆마음을 편안하게 해주는 나래이션 부분의 가사입니다◆


                                  ♣그대에게 축복을!!!---♣


                                  밖에 빛 그리고 안에 빛,
                                  빛의 은총이 그대에게도 머무소서.

                                  그대를 비추는 그분의 햇살처럼
                                  친구나 길손 가리지 않는
                                  다정함으로 그대 마음도 커나가게 하소서.

                                  지친 나그네 반기는
                                  창가의 촛불처럼
                                  그분의 빛이 그대 두 눈에도 빛나게 하소서.

                                  갓 피어난 작은 꽃
                                  그 신선함으로 영혼 걸러내
                                  머리 적셔주시는 그분의 부드러운
                                  빗물이 그대에게도 은총 날라다 주게 하소서.

                                  햇살 뒤 섬광이 일며
                                  영혼 맑게 씻으라 비를 불러주시는
                                  천국 바람의 힘 그대에게도 강복케 하소서.

                                  이 땅에 내리시는 그분의 은총이
                                  그대에게도 내리고, 길을 걸으며
                                  그대가 만나는 이에게도 늘 다정한 말 건네게 하소서.

                                  겨울날 몰아치는 뇌우 속에서도
                                  그분의 능력을 알게 하시고,
                                  여름날 황혼의 평온 속에서
                                  창조의 잔잔한 아름다움도 알게 하소서.

                                  거대한 우주에서 스스로를
                                  하찮게 여기지 않고
                                  그대가 그분 계획의 중요한
                                  한 부분임을 깨닫게 하소서.

                                  그분이 그대를 돌보아 부디
                                  환난으로부터 안전하게 하소서.











'″``°☆연주곡감상 > ◈종교와명상' 카테고리의 다른 글

**†성탄절 기도†**  (0) 2015.12.25
**(謎)빛으로 오신 주여!**  (0) 2015.12.24
**남진-실버벨**  (0) 2014.12.21
**✿선의 세계Ⅱ✿**  (0) 2014.06.13
**박성우-부처님 오신 날**  (0) 2014.05.06